Sunday樓盤傳真呢? {:cry:} 10-9-2021 每日樓市 12-9-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真 17-9-2021 每日樓市 19-9-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
Candy呢? {:cry:} 18/9/2021 樓盤傳真 21-9-2021 每日樓市 22-9-2021 每日樓市 24-9-2021 每日樓市
Not sure if penalty is satisfied with her shoes or not 26-9-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
Will penalty be satisfied by the new sitting screenshots? 28-9-2021 每日樓市
好耐無見Candy了 {:cry:} 29-9-2021 每日樓市 1-10-2021 每日樓市 本帖最後由 角落小夥伴 於 2021-10-4 00:37 編輯
3-10-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
Candy is back! {:clap:} 10-10-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
penalty is double satisfied 14-10-2021 每日樓市
假期播樓盤傳真就算 17-10-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
penalty is very satisfied 24-10-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
penalty is very satisfied 26-10-2021 有線財經 31-10-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
penalty is not satisfied with Sunday樓盤傳真 this week 今晚樓傳結尾佢話“各位觀眾,再見”,唔通佢又會走? 7-11-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
Holly跟大家講再見 {:cry:} 以後樓盤傳真豈不是每集都是Candy和Victor主持 Shiyanwen456 發表於 2021-11-6 22:06
有線算好, Sunday樓盤都有播Holly講再見那段, 她應該真係走了 {:cry:}
有線財經之前要借樓盤主持去報, 豈料樓盤主持都走 {:cry:} 佢做得好好啊 可愛及聲甜 唔明為何要走?? last day{:wave:} 12/11/2021 每日樓市
佢話有緣再見。有冇人知會去邊? 12-11-2021 每日樓市 14-11-2021 Sunday樓盤傳真
penalty cannot be satisfied by Holly's last show
I wish all the best to Holly 有緣再會{:applause:}