有冇師兄分享經驗?最愛哩款鞋啊師兄 應該多幾張嘛...依家d後生著住哩種鞋真係扯哂旗 十幾歲便洗樓, 確實很刺激的話!!!!! 對鞋有腳趾印 宜家洗樓真係要好小心! 因為好多戶已裝了 CCTV, 俾人影到樣, 放了上網就仆街了! 己經拉左幾個。。 拉左幾個了。。小心
Thanks for sharing ..愛腳分子.. 發表於 2021-10-2 08:23
宜家洗樓真係要好小心! 因為好多戶已裝了 CCTV, 俾人影到樣, 放了上網就仆街了! ...
True.In the older days CCTVs were only available as a luxury or expensive professional investment, so anyone could approach a shoe rack or cabinet and inspect the footwear with ease, without being detected (unless somebody inside was watching thru the door's peek hole)...
But now anyone would want to think twice even when just looking at the footwear in close range, without doing anything else (even touching)......
Really miss those good old days cccccccccccccccccccccccccc Thanks for sharing {:verygood:}
Thanks for sharing {:2_29:}{:2_36:}good good 好性感的腳趾印~喜歡這種半拖,這今年好流行的~~還有更多嗎?
味道很宜人肯定 good photos....tks.. thank youfor sharing good photos............tks........ 太幫了大大~ 多戲分享,但師兄都要小心啲! 好深嘅腳趾印,睇到扯扯地 Thanks for sharing
thx for sharing Too risky... Don't do it la.. 脚掌部分的印子一定超级美味 be careful thx for sharing Thanks for sharing!!! 有d料 幾吸引