本帖最後由 xx90 於 2021-8-7 07:35 編輯各位小心{:mad:}
屯門澤豐花園兩變態戀鞋癖 多次於同一女住戶家門外聞高跟鞋被捕
Totally agree...
These days many entrances of residences have CCTVs installed (unlike during the last decade), sometimes making looking at the footwear just as dangerous
But the more important thing is to be selective on the footwear and also practice self-restraint...
If you see something really nice but appears too risky to even get close to just take a look, walk away
宜家玩鞋, 真係無以前咁易了 {:oh:} 要留意上面有冇cam., 再睇門鈴有冇cam..再睇對家,左右門口有冇cam.. 再唔係,買二手算。。如有。 "If you see something really nice but appears too risky to even get close to just take a look, walk away" 贊成!"要留意上面有冇cam., 再睇門鈴有冇cam" 門鈴都有?! 愈來愈多裝cam啦 agreedbe careful 唔考慮下比錢收幾對?