Ferragamo 鞋有冇人鐘意
第一次post OL淫鞋。。。nice,超正架ching,支持 著埋肉絲仲正! 支持ching繼續post wow! 真是名牌字的高跟鞋
so sexy The leather uppers are not very durable AFAIK...
If mismanaged, the layers can get torn off quite easily...
Have seen a few examples suffering from this problem, and only on kid/calf uppers
But something the problem only occurs in the case of Ferragamo good support !!!!!!!!!! 有呀 不過呢D名牌鞋妹妹仔又買唔起 對腳好白滑.. 超正Ferragamo, 我勁鐘意!! 想看看,
Thanks for sharing!!! Thanks for sharing 第一次post相就一定要支持!!! Thankssssss 最喜欢名牌高跟鞋 最鐘意名牌鞋!!!{:loveeyes:} Is that you in the pic? 好多OL鍾情Ferragamo,仲要係魚嘴,一流 Ferragamo其實好靚 support